Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Sustainability Journal Vikram R Chari Volume 2011 Issue 64

sus.tain’a.bil’i.ty n. the ability to meet the needs of the present while living within the carrying capacity…
You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself. - Nelson Mandela -
Using Traffic To Generate Electricity 
Super committee: Who are these guys? 
GFA partner @GTECHstrategies running Pittsburgh on waste oil - cool solution we'd like to see grow!
DOE panel calls for more study of fracking emissions Gas fracking poses serious environmental risks |
Replacing a crappy old coal plant with green urban development: today D.C., tomorrow?:
“Landfill" vs. "Trash" . What's in a name? TGB co-founder Jocelyn has some thoughts after a trip to San Francisco.
IKEA to get all its energy in UK from renewables
Coal Can Be Cleaned By First Transforming It Into a Gas #green
New System Powers Your Home More Efficiently with Solar-Hydrogen Hybrid Array
Critical List: Energy panel supports fracking disclosure; Walmart’s move to wind power -
Small Hydro Has Strong Bi-Partisan Support. So Why Can’t We Get Our Act Together?
Sustainability skills and good business skills are increasingly the same thing
Once-Scorned Light Bulbs Are Advancing NYTimes
Canadian Boreal: Protecting Today's Water for Tomorrow green
Would having a meter in your car that quantifies your environmental impact make you change your driving habits?
How to Design Feed-in Tariffs in the U.S. without Fear of Federal Preemption
Forests absorb one third our fossil fuel emissions  -
Obama pumps $175m into green car sector
Is Demand for Scarce Crude Oil the Only Cause of High Gas Prices? green
Award Winning Advertising for Burt's Bees Makes CSR Cool
Carbon Sink: Up-And-Coming Forests Replacing Aging Forests of Upper Great Lakes ~
The US Army Has the 'Land and the Demand' for Renewable Energy: The U.S. Army wants you, private investors, to ...
US Congress doesn’t believe global warming is a security threat:
Today's eco term: Wave energy. Could this be a future clean energy solution?
Bernie Madoff's Pants Recycled as iPad Cases - Photo: frederickjames If you are a New Yorker, or if you lost your.
Can Innovation Lead Us to Growth (and Happiness) Without Consumption?
Have you reconciled conflict between short term procurement savings & longer-term sustainable procurement benefits?
Nissan Plays Sustainability Game With New Website | Corporate... Scottish Distillery Powers Their Nissan Leaf With Whiskey - Inhabitat
Tepco turns on 7,000 kw solar plant on Tokyo Bay
U.S. Army Creates Renewable Office: Billions to Be Spent: The U.S. Army has gone socialist. Secretary of the...
The Pragmatist: Almost Time to Change the Bulb
CARBON NATION - A New Documentary On Climate Change -
Check out this cool EV I saw at the GM Tech Center test drive an EV day!
Funds keep flowing into Welsh tidal power scheme
Air Products in advanced talks for £1bn green gas network
Shipping trade body floats global emissions reduction plan
Offshore wind farms are good for biodiversity, say researchers
Two Wal-mart stores now sell us electricity generated from wind and solar.  green
President Obama has announced the first ever emissions standards for trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles:
By 2015, the installed base of smart meters will reach 535 million units -- more than twice as much as an earlier forecast from Pike Research. The smart meters installed worldwide will reach 963 million by 2020, largely due to China's effort to modernize its electric grid smartgrid
Smart meters: Illegal, dangerous, un-American? Must be true – it's on YouTube
When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion. - Ethiopian Proverb -
Designing the Volt: Six ways it's different than your car
Climate scientists shine new light on methane mystery
Japan to set up new, more independent nuclear safety agency under Environment Ministry:
I believe in the spirit of sharing and I believe we are what we are because of those around us. - Maasai tribal…
One thing that never ceases to amaze me, along with the growth of vegetation from the earth and of hair
Amidst stock slump, A123 touts GM deal
Guinness Fund Bets on Chinese Wind After Clean-Power Shares Drop
Is Bloomberg's $50 million contribution to the Sierra Club's coal campaign a tipping point?
The Rise of the #Social #FoodTruck - A cool infographic full of food truck facts! What a great movement....
Who are #trash #pickers and why does it matter to how we manage waste?
Advice offered for landowners about shale drilling green
Celo Residence Connects with Nature:
The EV Project still open to Tenn. Leaf customers
Mark Ruffalo and Thom Yorke endorse TarSandsAction on the same day? This is getting wild: Mark Ruffalo Supports The Tar Sands Action
Sustainability begins with one Tweet, and never ends! Travel Without A Trace at:
The Moral Case for Nuclear Power green

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