Monday, July 25, 2011

The Sustainability Journal Vikram R Chari Volume 2011 Issue 51

The UN may need a climate change peacekeeping force as conflicts due to climate change increase globally.
Bob Willard and The Sales of Sustainability, video and notes on GroAction 's website
Is this the greenest college campus ever? -
What is a sustainability goal?
Reviewing last week's solar energy news
How Much Does Your State Support Green Business?
Green: House Opens Debate on E.P.A. Funding Bill
How to Become a Farmer, and Why Drought Can Be Good
Living green!? – Yahoo! Answers | Go Green Living Tips
Today's Eco Term: E-Scrap. It's one of the most important eco terms you'll ever need to understand.
NASA, researchers: Antarctic ice loss at least 10 gigatons a year for last decade
Ranking the ‘resilience’ of hundreds of U.S. cities:
Why aren't we moving ahead to avert climate conflict? green
In Mexico, forests fall prey to crime mafias green
How does your corporate sustainability plan compare with leaders of the pack?
From Wetsuits to Wax: 9 High-Tech Products for Sustainable Surfing (Slideshow)
Cheap Plastic Made from Sugarcane
New blog post: Recognizing and Understanding the Advantages of Renewable Energy
90% of Companies Don't Do Sustainability Reports in the USA
Sustainability and the importance of the CFO | Eco-Business
The secret to balancing the sustainability tripod | Process & Control Engineering
How Chicago Can Make an Even Bigger Impact with Building Retrofits
The Green Monday Energy Efficiency White Paper
Wood recyclers drop fees as biomass booms
How the CDP is Pushing Supply Chain Carbon Reporting Forward
Renewable Energy May Get a Boost from New Electric Grid Rules
Sustainability Reports : a big opportunity in USA! Such a good idea to create a platform to help companies!
Germany Passes More Aggressive Renewable Energy Law: Despite widespread rumors in North America that Germany...
“Smart” Sunglasses Use LCD Technology to Block Out the Sun’s Glare ~Inhabitat
 Which cities are hit hardest by rising gas prices?
A new approach to bluefin tuna
10 action times for your sustainability strategy, ala 'Green to Gold Playbook'
Improving batteries' energy storage
 You'll love this interview with Bob Willard, ISSP award winner. leadershipdynamics
Austin mayor pushing to ban plastic bags at local stores
What’s the legal status of a country that gets swallowed by the ocean?
Today's Eco Term: Direct & Diffuse Solar Radiation. Understand why not all solar power is equal.
3 noteworthy solar installations
Important to make sure that phasing out nuclear doesn't mean falling into gas dependency (Germany's case here) 
Very informative flowchart for greenhouse emissions (includes sector, end use and gas type).  green
Chuck Wolfe says, "'No net loss' is the essence of sustainability."
Assuring Sustainable Third Places in the City 
142 electric vehicle charging stations head to Massachusetts, Nantucket and MV not included
Is China a Champion or an Enemy of Climate-Change Policies? Evidence from Copenhagen  green Last year, China invested $34 billion in ?clean technologies? compared to the U.S. at $18 billion, report says. green
Some Renewable Heat payments to start soon
Changing environmental governance in a changing world green
Statement from the American Wind Energy Association on the revised draft of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wind ...
Going Green in New York: One Co-op x2019;s Story environment
House Subsidies Supporters Receive Over $1.2 Million from Big Oil in First Six Months of 2011  green
Watch Rajendra S. Sisodia on Conscious Capitalism & learn what I mean by becoming a brave leader.
Humanity's Biggest Impact May Be The Extinction Of Predators
The Great NYC Heating Oil Changeover (Is Not Why You’re Sweating)
Another reason we need the smart grid: record heat
Exxon & Koch Industries Literally Paid to Write Anti-Climate Laws green
Believe it or not, you can be eco friendly even when you search the web. Here's how!
Waste more... then pay more green
Inside the Military's Green Energy Mission
Rare earths: why China is cutting exports crucial to Western technologies - Telegraph  green
Today's eco term: BREEAM Certification. What's it mean, and why do you care?
How Can Your Company Manage Carbon Regulations and Continue to Grow?
How a team of cyclists beat a Jet Blue flight from Burbank to Long Beach. green
Raw Sewage is Flowing into NYC’s Hudson River Due to Treatment Plant Fire
Want gross's the states for ya! green
I Deliver a Better World - A Global Citizenship Update:
Building San Antonio: Sustainability and the bottom line - San Antonio Express-News
Eco-advocate seeks savings | The News-Press |
Walgreens Builds 800 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at U.S. Stores green
Heat alerts issued for over 1/2 of U.S. as a blanket of hot air & humidity smothers country  green
Largest commercial aircraft deal in history goes green:
130 Members of Congress Vote To Ban Efficient Light Bulbs On Capitol Hill green
Has warming put 'Dirty Dozen' pollutants back in the saddle?
Environmental & Energy Executive Moves: Recyclebank, Serious Energy, SunPower, PHH: Serious Energy:...
Chevy Cruze Going Diesel In 2013 green
Small Tree's ST-FCoE: Ethernet's ubiquity leads to implementation of cost-effective workflow technology
Universal health care and the medium chill - drgrist reports -

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